7:30AM –Wake Up!
Hi RTR Pilates Fans! For those of you that don’t know me, I’m Lindsey Fair (formally known as Lindsey Crane) I started teaching in the Chevy Chase studio almost 5 years ago before I moved to help run our Highlands Ranch Studio in Colorado! I’ve been out in Colorado for almost 2 years now and I am loving every minute of it!
Today is Sunday and I teach the 9:15 & 10:15AM classes so I have the luxury of “sleeping in” a bit and really soaking up my kitty cat cuddles (#crazyproudcatmom). We have two fur babies who sometimes visit our HR studio and help distract clients from their pain and torture. 🙂
Meet Sweets (top) and Sassy (bottom)! Yes, they look identical but they are not related we rescued them from a local shelter here called The Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue!

8:15AM- Off to the Studio!
The crisp morning air makes my little East coast heart sing!!! Today is the first day that scarfs seem appropriate! I just love scarf weather! One of my favorite things about being a Pilates instructor is the very comfortable work attire! Once I’ve got the Pilates look for the day it’s off to the studio in our handy dandy RTR Fiat!

Coffee is a necessity today and the line for the drive thru at Starbucks on University Blvd. is insane! Little insider tip– when coffee is needed and the drive thru line is going to make you late, sneak over to the King Soopers and grab your coffee from the in-store Starbucks without being late for class! They have everything you need and there is rarely a line.
With my coconut milk pumpkin spiced latte in hand, I’m ready to get the studio ready for classes and our Fall Fashion Event that will be later today after classes conclude!

My Sunday Morning ladies came to play today and we got some really good work done. I just love the community we are building out here and the clients are a big happy part of our RTR Pilates family.

11:30AM – Brunching It!
After class it’s back home for brunch and to shower for our Fall Fashion Event. I do my best to eat healthy and I really enjoy cooking clean! Since my husband, Donnie spent the night in Colorado Springs with Friends who are in town visiting, I decided to FaceTime him (isn’t he cute?) while I made and ate my breakfast: one fried egg, one fried egg white, avocado, Whole 30 approved bacon, fruit and some orange juice!

I take local Colorado bee pollen every morning and it has changed my life! In my first summer here in Colorado I had terrible allergies! I had never had allergies before and one of our beloved clients told me that local Colorado bee pollen will help and she was absolutely right! A few pollen pellets a day keeps my allergies away and I’m so grateful.
1:30PM – On the Road Again!
It’s 1:30PM and it’s back to the studio to meet my Lylah Grey friends and help get set up for our event! We had a lot of fun and got our hands on some of the latest fashion items. Everyone pictured below (including our instructor Ashlyn Wilkes wearing the black romper in the center of the bottom picture) has Lylah Grey outfits on and you can order you own via the website: https://www.lylahgrey.com

With our wallets a little lighter and our Fall wardrobe spruced we helped clean up and did a little house keeping of the studio before I headed home around 7:30PM.
8:00PM – Winding Down
Too tired and full of cheese and crackers to cook anything healthy; I snuggled up on the couch to watch the Shape of Water (which is a really good movie) with a bowl of butter parmesan noodles, a glass of red wine, and my hot hubby.

Tomorrow is Monday October 1st – how is it October already? I’ll teach more Pilates classes in the morning and then I’ll spend a few hours at the office working on the KPI reports for the company and will report back to Reina on how all the studios are doing. KPI reports are a little tedious but they give me a new appreciation for our clients and their dedication to our RTR Family! So thank you to all that can call themselves an RTR Pilates person – we LOVE you!